Marco Island is a medium-sized coastal resort city. It is not a small town anymore. I’ve always believed that one of the joys of living in such a coastal resort city is the abundance of different restaurants, bars, shops, tours, water-based recreational outfitters, and many other diverse businesses. These add to the basic businesses such as drug stores, food markets, contractors, plumbers, electricians, banks, marinas etc. that provide essential services to residents and visitors. It is great having all of these businesses on Marco Island, saving residents from having to drive into Naples or greater Collier County to find what they need.
Taken together, these businesses add vitality to our economy and enhance our quality of life. I call these and many other types of local businesses “smart businesses” because they add to the quality of our lives and help us thrive. Our Chamber of Commerce does a great job of promoting our business community but they could use more help from the City of Marco Island and the City Council. Both could do a better job helping businesses, especially new start-ups, navigate the codes and permitting process required for any development or redevelopment project.
I have fought hard in my first term to do just that. I thought that the best way to identify what the City of Marco Island does, or requires, that negatively affects one’s ability to develop or redevelop property, or open or operate a business was to create an Ad-Hoc Business Development and Redevelopment Committee. It was, and still is, my belief that a committee made up of businessmen and women who are also residents of Marco Island could provide valuable insights into the barriers that exist and make recommendations to correct them.
In 2021, my initial attempt to form an Ad-Hoc Business Development and Redevelopment Committee was defeated by the City Council. This did not deter me. In 2023, after the mandatory waiting period following a failed vote had passed, I brought the issue back to the City Council and this time I got the necessary votes to have it pass. Since then I have overseen the formation of the committee and become the City Council Liaison to it. I’ve helped them formulate a clear goal with measurable objectives and they are well on their way to completing their mission. If you re-elect me I will continue to work with the committee, the City Council, and the Chamber of Commerce, to continue this mission and make Marco Island a better place to do business.
- Supported the Marco Island Yacht Club Expansion
- Supported the Assisted Living Facility (ALF) and public park donated to the City.
- Supported the Old Marco Redevelopment Master Plan.
- Supported using the one cents sales tax money to improve Dumford Way.
- Supported the Multiuse Project on the site of the Turtle lot.
- Supported the City Manager’s Manager’s Business Roundtable.
- Formed the Ad Hoc Business Development and Redevelopment Committee.
- Rewrote the Resolutions creating it, and all other Advisory Committees to make them more accountable.
- Conducted “Goals and Objectives Workshops” for all of the Advisory Committee to help them develop clear annual goals with measurable objectives.
- Wrote several White Papers detailing some of the problems related to development and redevelopment and how to improve them.
- Opened up a dialogue with Collier Area Transit (CAT) about improving on-island bus service.
If Re-elected I will:
- Continue to work with the Ad Hoc Business Development and Redevelopment Committee to identify what the City of Marco Island does, or requires, that negatively affects one’s ability to develop or redevelop property, or open or operate a business. and make recommendations to correct them.
- Continue to work with the Marco Island Chamber of Commerce to identify how they can work with the Ad Hoc Business Development and Redevelopment Committee to accomplish their goal.
- Explore ways to work with the Marco Island Chamber of Commerce and the City of Marco Island attract and help island-friendly businesses, especially new start-ups.
- Continue to develop strategies and write White Papers that address the three issues of greatest concern to Marco Islanders, providing additional public parking (80%), managing growth and density (60%), and minimizing traffic congestion (59%) (On Point Insights Citizen’s Survey, 2023).
YouTube Links
These videos are short clips taken from different City Council Meetings where I addressed the issue of Smart Development and Redevelopment.
3/18/24 Beyond The Trolley: A Comprehensive Look at Managing Traffic, Growth, Density and Parking
In this video clip I discuss my White Paper, “Beyond The Trolley: A Comprehensive Approach to Managing Traffic, Growth, Density and Parking Concerns.” These are the three major concerns of people who responded to the 2022 Citizens Survey conducted by the City of Marco Island.
09/18/23 Why We Need an Ad Hoc Business Development and Redevelopment Advisory Committee
In this video I explain the many reasons for creating an Ad Hoc Business Development and Redevelopment Advisory Committee. Most of our local businesses and owned and operated by long-term residents who can help the City Council and staff create a more business-friendly environment on Marco Island.
2/20/2023 The Utility of Tracking Available Density/Dwelling Units
In this video I describe how density is related to residential dwelling units and why it is important to track it in the different zones across Marco Island.
5/02/2022 Blonna/DuBlois 10 Point Action Plan Regarding Old Marco
In this video clip, Hayden DuBlois and myself describe our 10 Point Action Plan Regarding Old Marco Parking & Traffic Flow.
1/4/2021 Why I Supported the Marco Island Yacht Club Expansion
In this video clip I explain why I supported the Marco Island Yacht Club’s expansion.
White Papers Supporting Smart Development and Redevelopment
- White Paper: Beyond the Trolley: A Comprehensive Approach to Managing Traffic, Growth, Density, and Parking Concerns 3/18/24
- In this 13 page White Paper I describe how managing Growth and Density, Traffic Congestion, and Parking, were the three greatest concerns expressed by residents in the 2022 Citizen Survey. Managing these issues requires an integrated approach that supports the needs of residents, visitors, and businesses.
- White Paper: On The Utility of Tracking Available Density/Dwelling Units. 2/2/24
- In this White Paper I describe why it is important to have a running tab of available density units in order to ensure that development follows the guidelines set forth in our latest Comprehensive Plan revision.
- White Paper: Ad Hoc Business Development and Re-development Advisory Committee 9/18/23
- In this White Paper I describe how an Ad Hoc Business Development and Redevelopment Advisory Committee can help the City Council guide staff in making Marco Island a better place to do business while protecting the rights of residents.
- White Paper: New Advisory Committee Template and Resolutions 6/19/23
- White Paper: 10 Point Action Plan Regarding Olde Marco Parking & Traffic Flow 5/02/22
- In this White Paper Hayden DuBlois and myself describe a comprehensive plan to redevelop Old Marco focusing on improved traffic flow, more parking, and safer streets and sidewalks for biking and walking .
- White Paper :Ad Hoc Business Development and Redevelopment Committee March 1,2921
- This was my first attempt at creating this new Advisory Committee that did not get approved by the City Council. I persevered and in 2023 re-introduced the idea and it was approved.